As the holiday season draws near, so do the stressful encounters with family! Here are some tips for making it through with your holiday spirit intact. 1. Remind yourself that people are under more pressure and are going to be harder to get along with on special days....
Tis The Season: 3 Reasons To Be Grateful. The holiday season is a time where stress can skyrocket. We have so much on our to-do lists, gifts to buy, food to cook, people to see, family to deal with and on and on and on. How easy is it for us to forget all the good...
How did you become a emotionally disconnected man . Well, I grew up in a no win situation when it came to being picked on at school. Let me give you an example: My name is Ronald (associated closely with a clown), my nickname growing up was Pooh(when repeated...
#1 Way to get what you want. Well, when I was 10, my father bought me a dartboard. Oh, the endless hours my friends and I hung out in our garage destroying the drywall with bad shots. As the years followed, we started learning how to play darts. The first game we...
“He should just KNOW what I want if he loves me,” she exclaims “I TRY to solve her problems, but she gets mad when she’s upset and I give her advice,” he declares. And both of them think they are right. And both of them have a right to see it that way. And both of...
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